Sunday, November 6, 2011

Fall racing, not race falling

It has been about two weeks since the Montana State Championship.
At that time everyone was ready to call it quits for the year....
But it only took about two days to realize we had nothing else to do.

MooseCross, the origin of MuleCross
Forgot my jersey.

Number plates.... way better then washing plates.

Well, woopty doo.
Great course this year at Rollin thunda.

When your here,
Your family. 


Pistol Pete came out to just about every race this year. 

So, we meet again Mrs Frykman.

Super tight battle for first at Rollin Thunda

Dear God, 
If I live through this I will never drink wine again.

Bill Martin, leaping over the corpses of fallen comrades, cut down by evil forces. Rushing to save the queen, before she was forced into marriage with the ruthless king.
I am pretty sure this is what goes through Bills head during a race.

Emule, Andrew, and the winner. 
It been fun racing against Andrew this year.
It is funny to get cheered on in a race by the guy you are beating....
Andrew is also a closet skater.

wearing her skinny jeans

Randy Beckner, 
Looking young and spritely

Frank Gonzales,
If that is his real name

 Here is a shot.
Taken shortly before Dave Hoffman and the rider to his right went to blows.
It got ugly

This guy did not even have fenders...

 The whole field was amazed that Ray Rasker made it to the start line, just one week after breaking his femur.

 Mule wranglers and pirates join forces.
The end is near.

 A member of the rarely seen Canadian special forces.
To save on money during training they were a mock up of the drop plane on there head.

Bender Mule.
The official replacement for Cory Hardy.
He was riding very strong for his first year of bike racing. 

A Mule, a Burro, and a Jackass

 ..... look at those legs
wait, that was weird.

We caught the wood thief red handed. 

 Super Mario / Roller Girl

 Someone came dressed as a badass

Money changer in the temple

Ciao, Mama, Bella, Bella 

Howdy folks, 
out on the trail, we got no food nor women.
Just, the chuckwagon, and sheep

 Pirate and ship

Great Cross season everyon.
Next year will be bigger, better, and more!