Friday, April 26, 2013

Spring Break Muleterro Style

Emule, Mulie, Bender, and Alpha Mule decided we had enough of this...
(there were others too, but we don't like to talk about GAS on this blog)

So we headed south until Cory found this
Which he thought he had left it with this. But that is a whole different story entirely...

 We ran into this.... Which is not what we were looking for.
 So we drove south a little more until we found this. (note: location of tent. We had a near death due to OHVs (not ATV) )
 Emule was eager to ride his near perfect bike. I won't show you every picture he took. 

So started with "Guacamole"

 I had a lot of time to ponder the trail name "jem". After consulting urban dictionary. I like #2-The universal answer and meaning to all things. I think that is how you feel toward biking when you are riding this trail.  

Molly's nipple followed us everywhere we went
the invisible wall on the "Jem"

 Did some triathlete stalking. Anybody else know who lives in this camper?
 Climbed this absolutely crazy thing in Zion. Some of us climbed it. One of us watched. 
 Back to the "jem" for one last ride.

Now we are all back in Bozeman waiting for spring to begin. Waiting for spring to begin. Waiting for spring to begin.